Homeowner Associations Are The Devil

Home for sale by homeowners, probably requires HOA
Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay

I’d love to know how to annihilate homeowner associations (HOA), specifically those covering single-family residences. They are the epitome of overzealous, power-hungry, government-backed tyrants. They claim market forces drive their creation but are actually the model of crony-capitalism.

I loathe them.

As a billionaire, I would happily expend considerable resources to see HOAs castrated. Alas, I don’t have that kind of money. But I would like to take something to a liberty-minded, non-profit advocate.

Now, I don’t mind paying an HOA to maintain a gate or the pool or other common spaces. That’s legitimate. But sending me threatening letters for a faded mailbox is simply un-American. Making me seek permission to paint my house is totalitarian. Putting a lien on the property for an unpaid fine in violation of weeds in my yard is the height of authoritarianism.

It comes down to apathy and complacency. The typical homeowner either doesn’t see the fight as worth it or doesn’t see a fight should be had. They’d rather pay $5 for a can of spray paint than pay a much higher price to fight the HOA in court.

Most people just go along with what’s handed them. I say we have to fight decisions of the past. Stand up for our rights. Free ourselves from the shackles society places on us.

Ok…a little hyperbolic. Still, why do we allow such abuses of basic property rights?

I feel the recent union dues decision at SCOTUS could be used. I haven’t read it but it seems we are unjustly being forced into something we shouldn’t be. It’s virtually impossible to buy a house in a decent area near civilization without buying into an HOA community. People claim there is choice there, but in reality, it’s a false choice, protected by government fiat.

There are right-to-work states. Well, I want right-to-home-ownership states, which ban HOA harassment of homeowners.

I’ve never heard of such a thing.

Let’s create it.